NTSE Results Andhra Pradesh 2012 Released, NTSE Andhra pradesh 2012 Answer Key

The Aspirant 8th class students of 2011-12 attempted the examination in november 2011 and have been waiting for the result for 4 months. the results are displayed for the selected candidates for the first phase of the examinations, the council enlisted the candidature who has to attempt the second phase of the examination with detailed instructions. for NTSE First phase Examination, about 2 Lakh students appeared in november 2011. you can download results from the following link.

For Results Click the Following Links:

Second Phase Examination Syllabus:

Verbal & non verbal reasoning
Scholastic aptitude ( Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Social Studies).

the students who are selected in the first phase examination, should attempt the second phase of the examination conducted by national council of education. if a student is selected in second phase examination, the student will be provided Scholarship by the government until his/her Ph.D. As this examination is very reputed, the selected candidate will not only be given the scholarship, but also be provided the priority in any of the government recognized educational inistutions admissions.

1 Responses to “NTSE Results Andhra Pradesh 2012 Released, NTSE Andhra pradesh 2012 Answer Key”

Anonymous said...
January 11, 2013 at 1:08 AM

when will be 2nd stage results announced???

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